Sanità pubblica
Public Health
- Versino Elisabetta (Coordinatore/Coordinatrice)
- Borraccino Alberto
Settore ERC
The Public Health section of the Departmental Center for Biostatistics, Epidemiology and Public Health through the SCadU Suprazonal Epidemiology Service, plays a focal point role for the Ministry of Health, the Conference of Regions, the European Commission on health inequalities as well as for Istat on health survey systems. In this role it has access to the DWH of health data for the assisted population of Piedmont (assisted registry, hospital admissions and first aid, pharmaceutical prescriptions, instrumental examinations and specialist visits, exemptions, home assistance and intermediate care, accidents and occupational diseases, mental health , addictions, interruptions in pregnancy, pregnancy and childbirth, mortality and causes of death) covariates for the individual, family and contextual social characteristics detected in the population census. Furthermore, in the same role, it is the owner or partner of the main longitudinal survey systems capable of integrating social data and health data at an individual level, essential for an impact assessment in the health metric: WHIP-health (follow up of hospitalization mortality and sample injuries of 8% of the Italian workforce with work histories reconstructed from INPS data), Italian Longitudinal Study (follow up of mortality and hospitalizations for the cohorts of individuals interviewed in the Istat health surveys of 2000, 2005 and 2013, about 350,000 subjects), Turin Longitudinal Study (follow up of all available health indicators of the subjects registered in Turin in the censuses from 1971 to 2011, about 2 million people).
Access to all of these databases responds to different objectives:
- ASSESSMENT (Evidence Based Health Care);
- ETIOLOGICAL (the research questions are potentially infinite, from that of the 2017 PRIN, relating to the process of incorporation of immigrants in Italy, to those more strictly clinical in terms of screening for some diseases or choosing the best therapy available for patients suffering from chronic diseases, using the EBM
The group has the expertise to conduct systematic reviews, overview of reviews of both experimental and observational studies.
La nostra sezione, tramite la SCadU Servizio Sovrazonale di Epidemiologia svolge un ruolo di focal point per il Ministero della Salute, la Conferenza delle Regioni, la Commissione Europea sulle disuguaglianze di salute nonché per l’Istat sui sistemi di indagine sulla salute. In questa veste ha accesso al DWH dei dati sanitari per la popolazione assistita del Piemonte (anagrafe assistiti, ricoveri ospedalieri e pronto soccorso, prescrizioni farmaceutiche, esami strumentali e visite specialistiche, esenzioni, assistenza domiciliare e cure intermedie, infortuni e malattie professionali, salute mentale, dipendenze, interruzioni di gravidanza, gravidanza e parto, mortalità e cause di morte) covariati per le caratteristiche sociali individuali, famigliari e contestuali rilevate al censimento di popolazione. Inoltre nella stessa veste è titolare o partner dei principali sistemi di indagine longitudinali capaci di integrare dati sociali e dati sanitari a livello individuale, indispensabili per una valutazione di impatto nella metrica di salute: WHIP-salute (follow up di mortalità ricoveri e infortuni di campione di 8% della forza lavoro italiana con le storie lavorative ricostruite da dati INPS), Studio Longitudinale Italiano (follow up di mortalità e ricoveri per causa delle coorti di individui intervistati nelle indagini Istat sulla salute del 2000, 2005 e 2013, circa 350.000 soggetti), Studio Longitudinale Torinese (follow up di tuti gli indicatori di salute disponibili dei soggetti censiti a Torino nei censimenti dal 1971 al 2011, circa 2milioni di persone).
L’accesso all’insieme di tali basi dati risponde ad obiettivi di natura:
- VALUTATIVA (Evidence Based Health Care)
- EZIOLOGICA (i quesiti di ricerca sono potenzialmente infiniti, da quello del PRIN 2017 – immigrazione-a quelli più strettamente clinici in termini di screening di alcune patologie o scelta della miglior terapia disponibile per pazienti affetti da patologie croniche, mediante il metodo della EBM).
Il gruppo possiede l’expertise per condurre revisioni sistematiche, overview delle revisioni sia di studi sperimentali che osservazionali.
Prodotti della ricerca
Aluf O, Parente S, Radin M, Campa L, Gazzola V, Olugbogi A, Tesio N, Ugo H, Zanetti E, Zevallos C, Versino E, Lembo D, Roccatello D, Sciascia S. (2024) The estimated prevalence of antiphospholipid antibodies and criteria-antiphospholipid syndrome in subjects with renal thrombotic microangiopathy. Lupus 33(1) 75-82 [DOI PMID]
Torreggiani M, Fois A, Lippi F, Attini R, Longhitano E, Matarazzo I, Masturzo B, Cabiddu G, Versino E, Piccoli GB. (2023) Plant-based diets for CKD patients: fascinating, trendy, but feasible? A green nephrology perspective. Clinical kidney journal 16(4) 647-661 [DOI PMID]
Attini R, Laudani ME, Versino E, Massaro A, Pagano A, Petey F, Revelli A, Masturzo B. (2023) COVID-19 in Pregnancy: Influence of Body Weight and Nutritional Status on Maternal and Pregnancy Outcomes-A Review of Literature and Meta-Analysis. Nutrients 15(4) [DOI PMID]
Longhitano E, Siligato R, Torreggiani M, Attini R, Masturzo B, Casula V, Matarazzo I, Cabiddu G, Santoro D, Versino E, Piccoli GB. (2022) The Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy: A Focus on Definitions for Clinical Nephrologists. Journal of clinical medicine 11(12) [DOI PMID]
Cabiddu G, Longhitano E, Cataldo E, Lepori N, Chatrenet A, Torreggiani M, Attini R, Masturzo B, Rossini M, Versino E, Moroni G, Pani A, Gesualdo L, Santoro D, Piccoli GB. (2022) History of Preeclampsia in Patients Undergoing a Kidney Biopsy: A Biphasic, Multiple-Hit Pathogenic Hypothesis. Kidney international reports 7(3) 547-557 [DOI PMID]
Piccoli GB, Chatrenet A, Cataldo M, Torreggiani M, Attini R, Masturzo B, Cabiddu G, Versino E. (2023) Adding creatinine to routine pregnancy tests: a decision tree for calculating the cost of identifying patients with CKD in pregnancy. Nephrology, dialysis, transplantation : official publication of the European Dialysis and Transplant Association - European Renal Association 38(1) 148-157 [DOI PMID]
Piccoli GB, Torreggiani M, Crochette R, Cabiddu G, Masturzo B, Attini R, Versino E. (2022) What a paediatric nephrologist should know about preeclampsia and why it matters. Pediatric nephrology (Berlin, Germany) 37(8) 1733-1745 [DOI PMID]
Blanchi S, Torreggiani M, Chatrenet A, Fois A, Maze B, Njandjo L, Bianco G, Lepori N, Pili A, Michel PA, Sileno G, Arazzi M, Esposito V, Pani A, Versino E, Esposito C, Fessi H, Cabiddu G, Piccoli GB. (2021) COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy in Patients on Dialysis in Italy and France. Kidney international reports 6(11) 2763-2774 [DOI PMID]
Covella B, Vinturache AE, Cabiddu G, Attini R, Gesualdo L, Versino E, Piccoli GB. (2019) A systematic review and meta-analysis indicates long-term risk of chronic and end-stage kidney disease after preeclampsia. Kidney international 96(3) 711-727 [DOI PMID]
Versino E, Piccoli GB. (2019) Chronic Kidney Disease: The Complex History of the Organization of Long-Term Care and Bioethics. Why Now, More Than Ever, Action is Needed. International journal of environmental research and public health 16(5) [DOI PMID]
Oliva F, Ostacoli L, Versino E, Portigliatti Pomeri A, Furlan PM, Carletto S, Picci RL. (2018) Compulsory Psychiatric Admissions in an Italian Urban Setting: Are They Actually Compliant to the Need for Treatment Criteria or Arranged for Dangerous Not Clinical Condition? Frontiers in psychiatry 9 740 [DOI PMID]
Fois A, Chatrenet A, Cataldo E, Lippi F, Kaniassi A, Vigreux J, Froger L, Mongilardi E, Capizzi I, Biolcati M, Versino E, Piccoli GB. (2018) Moderate Protein Restriction in Advanced CKD: A Feasible Option in An Elderly, High-Comorbidity Population. A Stepwise Multiple-Choice System Approach. Nutrients 11(1) [DOI PMID]
Piccoli GB, Kooij IA, Attini R, Montersino B, Fassio F, Gerbino M, Biolcati M, Cabiddu G, Versino E, Todros T. (2018) A Systematic Review on Materno-Foetal Outcomes in Pregnant Women with IgA Nephropathy: A Case of "Late-Maternal" Preeclampsia? Journal of clinical medicine 7(8) [DOI PMID]
Haug E, Smith ORF, Ng K, Samdal O, Marques A, Borraccino A, Kopcakova J, Oja L, Fismen AS. (2024) Family structure and the association with physical activity-Findings from 40 countries participating in the Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) study. PloS one 19(4) e0300188 [DOI PMID]
Paladini G, Sciurpa E, Onorati R, Elhadidy HSMA, Giacomini G, Mamo C, Borraccino A. (2023) Gender and Age Influence on Emergency Department Visits for Non-Suicidal Self-Injuries in School Aged Children in Italy: An 11 Years Retrospective Cross-Sectional Study. International journal of public health 68 1606370 [DOI PMID]
Charrier L, Comoretto RI, Bersia M, Dalmasso P, Koumantakis E, Borraccino A, Baban A, Berchialla P, Lemma P. (2023) Who Stays, Who Moves on and the Host Population: A Picture of Adolescents' Perceived Well-Being and Risk Behaviours. International journal of environmental research and public health 20(10) [DOI PMID]
Scaioli G, Squillacioti G, Bersia M, Bellisario V, Borraccino A, Bono R, Dalmasso P, Lemma P. (2022) The wellbeing of adolescents and the role of greenness: A cross-sectional study among Italian students. Frontiers in public health 10 1050533 [DOI PMID]
Viottini E, Albanesi B, Casabona E, Onorati R, Campagna S, Borraccino A. (2022) Ten-Year Trend in Emergency Department Visits for Sexually Transmitted Infections among Adolescents: A Retrospective Cross-Sectional Study in Italy. International journal of environmental research and public health 19(21) [DOI PMID]
Giacomini G, Elhadidy HSMA, Paladini G, Onorati R, Sciurpa E, Gianino MM, Borraccino A. (2022) Eating Disorders in Hospitalized School-Aged Children and Adolescents during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Cross-Sectional Study of Discharge Records in Developmental Ages in Italy. International journal of environmental research and public health 19(20) [DOI PMID]
Borraccino A, Marengo N, Dalmasso P, Marino C, Ciardullo S, Nardone P, Lemma P, The Hbsc-Italia Group. (2022) Problematic Social Media Use and Cyber Aggression in Italian Adolescents: The Remarkable Role of Social Support. International journal of environmental research and public health 19(15) [DOI PMID]
Conti A, Campagna S, Gianino MM, Mamo C, Onorati R, Albanesi B, Dimonte V, Borraccino A. (2023) Incidence and mortality of spinal cord injury from 2008 to 2020: a retrospective population-based cohort study in the Piedmont Region, Italy. Spinal cord 61(2) 99-105 [DOI PMID]
Campagna S, Conti A, Dimonte V, Berchialla P, Borraccino A, Gianino MM. (2022) Emergency Department Visits Before, After and During Integrated Home Care: A Time Series Analyses in Italy. International journal of health policy and management 11(12) 3012-3018 [DOI PMID]
Bellisario V, Comoretto RI, Berchialla P, Koumantakis E, Squillacioti G, Borraccino A, Bono R, Lemma P, Charrier L, Dalmasso P. (2022) The Association between Greenness and Urbanization Level with Weight Status among Adolescents: New Evidence from the HBSC 2018 Italian Survey. International journal of environmental research and public health 19(10) [DOI PMID]